15 March
Status: Out in the World - venturing & making her way to fulfill bigger dreams
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22 March 2007 @ March 22, 2007
llaal.... today is super sian. pe do dunno wad *beep* shit. "run with the pace", ong says. zzzzzzbio cher i think quite irresponsible, almost every 2pm wed lesson take lift. i know we r faster than the other classes but oso cannot miss so much lessons right?! (i wanna pon cca =x) eng, another boring one, luckily we did the usu vocab book instead of explaining things, like summary or wad. the elements of YORE. this exercise quite nice, i like it.. esp the water part. SUPER EZ LA. =D having problems with the fire. coz my com cant find it. haiz. later shall do a bit of bio. nth mcuh to say, nth much to blog. oh ya amzing fact to share: the whole day me and chris wore pe and no tcher realised, or maybe is cared abt it. =P oh ya toking abt this reminds me of the morning assembly. the speeches and LIU TING'S HAIR haha. Mrs wee 'caught' her again. she explained tat she's cutting it during the wkends... well, let's see. the Indonesian students quite cute lar... disciplined students, disciplined teachers... WOW. great. the EXCO nominees gave speeches. hui2 read damn fast, dunno wad was she rushing for... qihao, i can only say... nonsense. but still quite make sense la. say dunno wad sth sth go or poo idk la. cheryl, okok. charmaine quite straight to the problem. hmm.. dunno who to vote for.. needa vote for 4 right. oki.. will try my best. ok toking abt these reminds me of another 1) serene: she hurt me. =( theresa was saying.." eeeww i smelt fart." then serene was like, "see la u.." (pointing @ me ofcoz, the person she ALWAYS bullies) then i O.O then dunno wad tc said, then serene say " .... i PLAYING WITH HER..." wth! 2) christine: think i'm 3 yr old kido she was folding her skirt or sth, i saw the length of her skirt, super ABNORMAL. then i asked, did u do sth to ur skirt. then she replied "i've grown taller, tat's y... " -.-" ...stupid... 3)theresa: finally acting like a geo rep. today was the so called 1st day of work for our dear 3r3 geo rep. *smilles* our dear theresa carried the geo wb to the staff room. wow~ 4) bao yi and meiling: i know u're admiring my art work; dont ask me.. ask the person who helped u keep ur hws! baoyi, i know u r admiring my art work and i'm SUPER proud of it. baoyi chong! :D the hse nice right.. hahaha.. meiling, is christine who helps u take the hw, u keep asking me all abt the hw for wad.. ok maybe this doesnt seem very... da bu liao. how abt this, STUPID MEILING. keep on asking for others' maths ws to 'cut and paste' and she, so convienently, calls out, tehresa giveme ur maths ws. then theresa calls, terry, get my ws. and I HAVE TO STICK OUT MY HAND FOR SO LONG (coz terry look for the ws. ) -.- nvm nvm nvm NVM tmr's founder's day. bring decorating materials hor... haiz.. i'm NOT lookin forward to the night performance. and my dinner too.. haiz |
12 March 2007 @ March 12, 2007
yoyo! i'm blogging again =Dtoday went for wushu @ the new Republic Poly. OMG SUPER BIG. and NICE. and their hall for practice is... SUPER COLD.. brrrr... and then we were like running.. breathing so hard tat our throat hurts a little.. after we complained abt tat stupoid aircon then they increase the temp. =S i dun like the 1st part, as usu, doing all those stupid ji ben gong tat i dun like.. =S then the RP ppl very funny la.. they know we slack alot. like still got space to do another time but then we just run thru. then they say.. xiao mei mei relax!!! LOL. >< they very serious in it la. BUT we r just nice opposite. super funny.. talktalktalk. then our coach scold us.. then we still act cute. :X lol sooooon it was lunch time. nasi lemak. the rice, alot. the ikan billis, one dot dot. no cucumber. one big piece of chicken wing.the chicken super big piece cant just bite it off, so i used my FINGERS.... went to buy pepsi. my juniour super greedy, came to drink my pepsi. =( so sad.. honestly. she drank quite alot =p then we did alot of times of our competition things. super exhasuting.. haiz.. mayb becoz i'm growing older.. :( i dun wanna be older.. coz i LOVE MY CARTOONS! hhahaahahah. barney! barney is a dinosaurs from our imagination and when he's tall he's wad we call a dinosaur sensation! hohooh so cold.. lol ok back to the topic then do all our wushu stuffs then i rested awhile. and observed my surrounding.. there's a grp training very hard. a grp standing and talking. one grp doing dance moves.. dunno wad baby freeze la. so lame. then got one grp on the stupid carpet training.. LOL. and only me siting dere and observing. ok let's not tok abt wushu. say tiring. tmr got bio project. wednesday go out. thurday... do wad ar.. oh ya. go bedok do CME. then friday i go make IC. haiz i wan die liao.. hmmm nowadays i'm quite addicted to zen me ban, jing wu men, tian shi, zhuan shu tian shi and C da diao... =D super nice la these songs! i love SHE, SHOW, WU YUE TIAN, fishTANK AND ANGELA! =D wan sui! oh the bus home from RP.. we all (me and 2 seniours and my juniour) keep on singing an singing.. i think our singing not bad la.. can go join campus superstar... *looks @ the calender* yar.. still can go. :P haiz i dun wanna do bio. i have no idea of wad to start with. stupid la aiya dunno wad to blog liao. :S HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TC. HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY CHERYL F! |
05 March 2007 @ March 05, 2007
OMG. i managed to feel like bloggin today. lol. u know why? coz i feel alittle guilty for disappointing my dear readers.. awww. LOL. no la my head sot sot again. =Pi recieved this lame testimonial from my juniour.. quite cute la him. today saw him and his new hair style.. O.o i was like... O.o. it's so NOT like him. haha.. nvm wednesday then go wushu suan him. i think right.. i'm one of the 'seniors' tat seem to be so called, close to my juniours.. LOL. it's true. i'm the who who usually will tok to them etc. =) muhaha.. so i hope next year they'll give me a GOOD farewell present. cant believe the sec4 are leaving us so soon. i think i'll be betta if we push the farewell party to the end of their o lvl. will be like a break for them and more time for us to gather sufficent photos and get the juniour bond more lor. eh y m i talking abt this.. =S today i feel so happy. was it yeeling or baoyi. i think it's yeeling la. she said that my blog was interesting to read. =) so happy. i hope i will get more of these compliments from u all.... coz.. it'll make me feel so happy and proud of my blog entries and mayb.. it'll ENCOURAGE me to BLOG more.. hahah *hint hint* lol i recall someone telling my that ca changed. i didn rilli noticed it till she (i still dont remember who la) told me. yar.. ca's hair... STANDING. O.O rare sight man! but i oso dont feel quite shocking la.. it's quite a normal sight to see boy's, secondary school boys to have their hair ... spiked. yar. =) i wanna say thankyou to ck, ca and ml. coz they played and taught me how to play some msn games... i'm super happy. =D esp ck and ca, coz they played these games more than once with me la.. lol. u know.. to sacrifice time, (maple time) and energy(teaching) such a 'aiya, i anyhow play one' girl like me.. can be quite tiring la.. LOL. =P so i do hope that ... U ALL CAN PLAY WITH ME MORE OFTEN. heeeheee *bleh* haha. i'm quite depressed sometimes, coz my gastric problem come visit my again la. today, @ home. i feel damn hungry but oso feel like vormiting la. it's like.. one coming down, one going up.. the pressure building in my gastric.. (wow i sound so geography, no choice, geo student mah...) talking abt geo, today ms lee slack la. she didn come for lesson, and she got ms low, meshell low(note the spelling, i purposely spell wrong one. juz in case she go google and type her name and found my blog and saw my complaints. then OMG.) to teach us on floods. actually i trust her teaching and looked forward to it u know. but then since that day i dont quite trust her teaching anymore. it's friday la i think. the 1st time she came to our class. then we were doing rain. how the monsoon works etc. then christine was wondering why sometimes in the non monsoon period, there is still frequent rains la. then we tot of the qing1 ming2 then tot how come everytime qing ming will rain. then we raised our hands and wanna ask tcher, then ms lee was 'attending' the other students, so the ms low came. then we asked. and guess wad's her first reaction. "eh. what's qing ming." wth, how can a CHINESE not know WAD'S QING MING? then we explained to her, it's a day during the non monsoon period. somewhere in april. then she say, " izzit? oic" christine and i was like.. O.O! then her explanation was more comical. "ok u see, singapore is surrounded by waters right so when the wind blows there's rain lor." OMG. *slaps forehead* then christine and i was like "orh~" pretending we understood wad she said. then 3sa asked wad happen. then we told her the whole thing, then asked her to ask ms lee. " dont get the orange shirt one.. the black one" lol. tat was wad we said. lol. tat day meshell was wearing orange u see...then ms lee ofcoz the black one la. then it's very funny la. 3sa wanted to raise her hand then when meshell turn ard, she quickly put down her hand. :P then we finally got ms lee and her answer, though more singlish, but more professional and sounds more reliable la. " there's still other types of rain wad. neh..." *flipping tb and pointing out* lol. see the difference? haha. tat's y i dont rilli trust her la. ok, the new sch cheers, to me, r super lousy. esply the wad.. highly energetic one.. when u hear is like. wa.. hyper. but when u do is zzzzzzz. esply with ryan and the who who la. their voice makes me lose my hyperness la. *yawns* the sec 1 and 2 are hyper coz they dunno these cheers yet, tat's y they so intertested. and as for us... sec 3, 4, 5. we have already did these for @ least 3 yr le la. ofcoz tired of these already right. haiz. got 64.5 for hmt. lost 2 marks just becoz i wrote the words but not the numbers. =( 2 marks leh. actually dont make any difference for me. coz, it's already very lousy 2 more marks is only like a console to myself la. haiz. i'lll buck up i assure u all. i will work hard to get @ least: eng - b3 hmt - b3 bio - a2 chem - a2 emaths - a2 amaths - b3 humanities - b3 geo - b3 this is aim for all my tests. if i can reach these targets i'll raise my targets and try quiting my com.. lol. =P today. forced to buy this stupid book with my stupid picture inside.. X( wth.. so ugly. i was and i m so evily look when i laugh la. lol i do hope i can change tat, maybe to a more unevily look laugh. i showed my mum the pic and she said, " look, the chin so moon-like." wth. it's not my problem right, i dont have the rights to choose my appearance right?! >_< |
01 March 2007 @ March 01, 2007
actually i dont feel like blogging today but then dere ARE thing that i WANT all of u to see. it's so. diao! deng! lame! -.-" HOW MUCH DO UR PARENTS CONTROL U TEST 1) basics [x] You have to make your bed everyday. common sense, tat's wad every normal kid does right! [x] You have to do chores. yes, this is oso quite ok la, quite common among us [x] I have a time that I have to get off the phone and computer.!!! yes. all of u shld know. everytime i will say "oops gtg, *** nagging" [x] You have a bedtime. yes, which is like... 10.15, right on the bed?! actually is 10 but then i beg my mum for 15 more min :P, tat's the maximum she said. [_] You have to earn your money. nah, i have sort of mthly 'salary' =D but can only use them when i wan to buy pressies or go out with frens =S [_] You can't have friends over unless your room is clean. diao, this is like,,. O.o [x] You can't have a boyfriend /girlfriend. yar, she sort of hinted to me once, like, i think it is more normal to have gf bf when ppl r 20. [_] You can't be friends with someone unless your parents know them. TOTAL: 4 2)Shop and wear [x] You can't go shopping by yourself. she'll ask alot of question, trust me, cuz i try b4. [X] Your mom tells you what to wear. sometimes, often. coz i everytime dunno wad to wear, then wear all the giam3 cai3 clothes then she headache [_] You have to look for "good deals"on clothes, otherwise you can't buy it. deng! TOTAL: 1 3) home [_] You get grounded for stupid things. i quarrel with my mum over stupid things. [x] You have a time limit to use your com. -.-" repeated question. [x] You have to get along with your sibling(s) otherwise you get grounded. yar. no grounded la, is like scold and nag and mayb punish, this one quite normal la. [_] You have to share your room. no, i HAVE my individual room, wa heng~ TOTAL: 2 4)outside [x] You have to ask to go to aparty/friends house in a few days advance. yes. -.-, is.. one week in advance! [x] You can't go anywhere without a parent/adult. yar.. tat time the chalet, i cant go becoz of this stupid rule. [_] You can't stay home alone. fortunately i can! [_] You have a babysitter. no need so exaggerating right. TOTAL: 2 5) privacy [x] You're not allowed to have a tv/gaming system in your room. yes... haiz, not even a laptop without internet connection. =( [_] You can't have a door in yourbedroom. i can! coz mine is air-con room.. tyty! i know i'm a fortunate kiddo TOTAL: 1 [x] Your parents get mad if you don'twant to do something simple that they ask. yes, coz i'm a lazy bum! hehehee [_] You can't swim without an adult watching you. if not tat i dunno how to swim, i wud have ticked this option. [_] You can't have a friend of theopposite sex over, unless they are family. diao! TOTAL: 1 multiply ur the sum of ur scores by 4 11 x 4 = 44 repost with "my parents control __% of my life" 44% -.-" SUPER. shld be a rare result.
another thing u know.. march is today. and march holidays coming... HAPPY ERALY BIRTHDAY TO PEI WEN, TC, CHERYL, ME, WINNIE AND SERENE! =) then we (the usual 5 of us) discussing abt it gb: cannot~ u all sure got cca one. SFY in april leh! theresa: ours in march leh! winn: *comes over to listen* serene: so how? *everyone looks at chris* christine: *avoids eye contact, covers and act headache* after a few seconds christine: oh ya. u all birthday in h;iday right, holiday i'm not seeing u, so no presents serene: mine not during the holidays,so idk, i demand my birthday present(: christine: oh ya! who's birthday during the march holiday? *tc and gb's hands shot upwards, winn also blurly raises hand, mayb she only heard the fornt part, '...birthday during march.' * christine: haha, no present for you, you and YOU! (and so only left with serene, who's like SUPER happy) while tc and i complains tc: *stares* thinking, wl gb: wth serene: winnie, urs is on mon, after the march holiday la! winn: is it? *blur, haiz, how can someone not check up which day does his/her birthday is?!* bloob bloob bloob SOTONG! hahaa yar.. quite interesting la.. =) shall end here.. coz i haven finish studying for my geo test. meiling says it's very ez. i agree. it's SUPER ez to absorb la. =D gd luck to all taking PG pure geo, not parents guidence hor! haha tata~ |