15 March
Status: Out in the World - venturing & making her way to fulfill bigger dreams
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25 October 2007 @ October 25, 2007
hi all. wow. time flies and, one yr have passed already. wooh!it's just like sec 1. we are still quite unfamiliar with each other. looking back @ 2007, well, i couldnt say tat it wasnt fun or memorable @ all. EVENTHOUGH IT WASNT AS GOOD AS 2R6 yet it's stilll considered as a special experience. -the endangered species - the class boys -the screams - the girls -the blaming etc. :) today we had our last PE lesson for the yr 2007. we sat down to wait for the class to gather around and settle and the whole bunch of girls sat togther while the boys sat a distance away from us. and mr ong was like asking why are they siting so far apart from the class. lol. and we nicknamed them as - the outcast. wahaha! as usual, we get to play what we wanted to. Captain's Ball lor! and mr Ong, he was busily snapping photos when we were passing the balls around. lol, and i guess, only a few of us like me, noticed it. and when he turns to my direction, i would like... look away. hahaz. i hate this man. sch's demolished already and you want an open house?! crazy pple. and again, we, the puppets, dragged up on stage for another performance. another headache :S i shld have opted into english drama when i was in sec 1. look @ how relaxed cheryl and christine look. anyways, it's alittle TOO late to regret coz i'm already graduating next yr! -.- can you imagine it? *slaps forehead* WE'RE all graduating NEXT YR. it seems just like 5 yrs ago when i 1st attended sch. I went for sch @ the age of 4, coz, i went to nursery, you see... and now i'm already 15. 11 yrs of education already! gosh. and early babies born in january will be reaching 16 in 4 mths time, when some later born pple just finished celebrating their 15th birthday?! hahaz. ok actually, there's nth to laugh abt. but, i just feel like laughing! so I DONT CARE~ haiz, you know... i actually wanted to continue blogging but. it's dinner time! :) :( shall blog again soon. bye, dont misss my craps! :D TAG LAH PPLE! BLOG OSO! >:( |
18 October 2007 @ October 18, 2007
HI~feel like changing blog song... ok shall change then... todays' post will be filled with pictures and pictures... dont you worry, non of them would be me. let me introduce u all a few games tat i've been playing these few days while i'm @ home. (While Geraldine's Home.. lol, u'll feel like.. i'm conducting a tv show. anyways...) the 1st one i'm going to show u is this: The Idiot Test <<< click on link well, as the title of the game suggests... it's some idiotic stuffs. but, it's the best 'medicine' when u FACE the following problems: 1) real bored and tired 2) no one's talking to u on the msn 3) dont feel like blogging 4) alittle unhyper-ish 5) u have like.. 15 mins to spare. yup. let me show u some pictures that you may see while going through this quiz. well just hang one for a moment while i go get a bite... ![]() haha.. apples again. ok back to the idiot test. they'll ask u to memorise some instructions and the main gist is, FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS NO MATTER WHAT. ![]() after you complete a couple of questions they'll have this type of.. what do you call that.... er.. *bites lips* argh, idk la. shall call this is 'screen' then. okay, so when u reach these type of 'screen' it means that you've sort of passed a certain level. yar. there are (if i'm not wrong) 3 lvls. picture below shows one of the lvls passed. ![]() and at last.. when u successfully finished the whole test without any errors, you'll be able to reach this screen. ![]() even though this is quite lame, yet u will definately (i hope), attain a sense of satisfaction. alright the next game i played on tuesday was the... ![]() RAFT WARS! <<< click on link introduced by ck. it's a game similar to gunbound (infomation provided by serene low) it's all about aiming, shooting and attacking. yep. the storyline goes like this. the character u're seeing above, is known as simon. he's a cute and stupid baby. and one day, as he was 'playing with the sand', digging randomly, he discovered gold and diamonds!!!!! *gasp* (ridiculous, i know.) and you know (no i dont), good news spreads far. the WHOLE simon's world wanted to claim the treasure and so.. simon got his brother and ... (tat's up to you to find out) to help him out. And So, the war begins. and you'll have to tackle against many enemies such as pirates, huga hugas and even parents? there are 11 levels to this game and let me warn you. lvl 9's a killer ![]() idiotic simon's behind wearing costume and dancing while superman brother's infront. ![]() stupid simon's danicng in -.- bikini saying "hit me baby one more time~" for more information, please visit this website. http://www.bubblebox.com/play/action/792.htm ok now i'm going to talk abt yesterday's surprise trip to the Singapore Discovery Centre. it's quite fun and @ the same time, boring. we had fun time playing the visionarim. u know. the BIG room with downtown east, marina bay and orchard road? i think. wait let me check the details from the web. erm.. cant be checked. =S nvm, i'm sure i'm somewhere around there... yar. then, we designed our own *gulp* designer. and we had to make choices to pick our thought of the future singapore, which i thought was quite cool. then, i was one of the downtown east residents then, our participation score was like... this low... know why? coz, the rest did not DOUBLE CLICK. aha! anyways, it's over already so. yar. then after all those touring around, we were felt with only 15 minutes to have our own walk around session. and serene baoyi and i were so desperate that we raced our way back to the galleries to play the games. there was this medium sized sensor screen. and it have many animations and games. too bad kinseng wasnt around, i didn bring my camera to take some shots of the great time we had. speaking of kinseng. idiotic photographer. keep on taking pictures... when we were having such great time in the dark visionarim and there went the flashing of the camera lights. so...how to say. 破坏我的兴致! "(-.-)" looks like kola bear right? hahaz. that wasnt the thought that what i wanted to bring out, i wanted to create alot of diaos line around a face. understand? nvm then. the boring part was when we had to 're-watch' all the short video clips that we had oready seen b4. *sigh* it took up a WHOLE LOT OF PRECIOUS TIME. ok another one that i find it interesting was the movie, the 3D movie, SharkS. i was quite hyper throughout the movie, doing the hahas and stupid lame comments to beebee, beecheng, who was siting just on my right.i didn like wearin the special glasses. the 3D effect of the shark and the CUTE turtle was okay. but i didn like the part when all the stupid sadine fish came in. i felt giddy when i saw that particular scene. maybe it was also because of my hunger... coz my dear fren, christine and theresa were enjoying their snack of cupcorn. *stomach growls* oh man~ ok so we also went to the singapore toons gallery( too little time), went on the bus tour about SAF and we saw alot of MOO MOOs hahaz! the sign cows. so creative! :D and my useless chairman... *smacks forehead* we were outside the singapore toons gallery waiting to go for the movie, and the teacher was like counting heads. and i forgot who was it. he asked us to check if our friends were around. and amelia was like saying, "still got kelly..." and despite the counting of heads and.. OUR CHAIRMAN COUNTING TOO. they both still didn realise that. -.- until we were spreading around the news of kelly and gang wasnt around, i heard our chairman said, "really?!" so diaoz. haha~~~~~ oh and..i broke my poor triangle set. WAHH~~ *tears* and serene~ remember to bring ur booklet okay! and thanks to christine's skitties, sry i didn know that ur pass infront wasnt THAT infront. haha. actually, b4 you asked us to pass infront, we already did so. so...i thought.. u know. *blink blink* wAIT! let me check wad have i missed out so far. oh yar, ms zu-bai-da left [sry for the spelling...] and mrs wee's back :) / :( up to u to decide. some random stuffs:
ok.. tat's all. and tat shld be enough to 弥补 the past few days that i didn blog. XP bye~~~ |
10 October 2007 @ October 10, 2007
hi. i feel so sick now. just had a 38.6 degrees high fever in the morning. but i still came to sch to take the amaths EOY.and now i regret for coming to sch. i'll fail terribly man. i cant concentrate in the exam. maybe it's because of the fever.. it made me feel very sleepy and uncomfortable. i couldnt sit still.. just felt like lying on the bed and rest. now the fever has cooled down alittle, 37.8. normally on a nice and happy and healthy day... my body temperature would be just 36.2 or 36.4 coz the body temperature measured through ear isnt as high as in the mouth. so.. 37.8 is still considered high fever.. :S (hope u understand what i'm sayin) and now i'm here infront of the computer.. 'enjoying' my 凉茶 and eating a 水梨. haiz. gotta go back to study geog. congrats to those who ahve completed their exams... shall blog again on saturday ba. bye~ |
05 October 2007 @ October 05, 2007
HELLO AND GOOD AFTERNOON! hahas. realised tat my last post was on the 21st of september.. 2 weeks ago.. such a magnificent record.phew, we're actually half way through the exams. isnt tat COOL? -.- i'm quite shocked to know that fish actually drinks and urinate? i only knew tat they could do their shittings in the fish tank... they actually urine?! cant believe it?! and even more unbelivable thing is.. it's one of the structured Qns in the bio exams?! and they asked: Why did the salmon stop drinking? how would i know?! i'm not even a fish. actually wanted to act stupid by writing, "because the salmon was not thristy" because i had absolutely no idea of why the hell fish drink water. but, i didn write that ofcoz. that was just plainly a lame lame idea. in the end i wrote things about the water potential and the water goes in out etc. such a random question to test on our knowledge... as told by mr lim, yeah, all the qns that he metioned for both SS and Ehist came out. it's amazing that mr lim has become kinder and kinder each yr, becoz remember last year... he wasn't really willing to give in and tell us the Qns that are to be tested. and he even tricked us into studying the non-tested topics. (recalling mr lim saying, "yes.. maybe.. maybe.. yes...) and now, he's like.. AUTOMATIC. hahas. the good thing is that we r able to score well in the EOYE (end of yr exams) but the bad thing is.. we cant do this in the O lvls. sad right. how i wish.... =) ok shall share a video, a very amazing video. erm, try to swicth on ur speakers if you could. the song's enitled "Wonderful World". yup, the song with the skies are blue, grass are green song. it's about shadows, tat's all i can say. Enjoy.. and take a little break from the revisions... i've been thinking of how to spend my six days of the holidays that are right after the exams and i've oready started on my list, shall share it with all of you after the geog EOY. :) anways, gdluck to all.. do tag okay. *smiles* |