15 March
Status: Out in the World - venturing & making her way to fulfill bigger dreams
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28 February 2008 @ February 28, 2008
hi hello, how are you? fine thankyou. haha, i'm quite relieved that the common test are over, however, i'm alittle worried abt my results. i hope i've improved from last yr, coz i did put in more effort than last yr's common test. yar so. idk.yay, we finally bought a new moniter in the end. it costed us $359 yar. it's XTRA long.. alittle similar to theresa's moniter. or may it's the same. the words r bigger now and, my desktop is emptier! =D cool. well, i've gotta do my geog hw so, shall blog my long essay on saturday, so, STAY TUNED. oh ya, this song, simple plan, running out of time. it's rilli nice, u shld try listening to it, and @ the same time, look @ the lyrics. i think it's quite nice. yep. especially that part, "It's just another battle, When you exercise your authority. When the dust is finally settled, Will you catch up with reality?"and the chorus. haha, i just think it sounds nice. tat's all. ok, nth, bye~ |
21 February 2008 @ February 21, 2008
http://www.slide.com/r/cj2tyEir0j-6dcDos20hLPbELx2IVhJui tot this song matched with this ppt, so enjoy, thought it's just a 10-picture slides. lol. yar, the website for the making of this slides is www.slide.com yar, lol, i told u all the wrong address. i tot it was myslide, but it isnt. it's just. slide. and yar, will be compling a pretty biased ppt after the o lvls of 1r6, 2r6, 3r3, 4r3 yar, so, yar... nth. haha just.. BLOG pple, blog. blog before u go study for ur common test. :D kies, gdluck for common test pple! BUHBYE! |
18 February 2008 @ February 18, 2008
hihi, just had a chocolate bar. hiakhiak. finishes my geog and emaths test. guess i could pass them but not score well for them, well, i didn rilli study hard for them, yar, but it's an great improvement, i've stopped my computer games, and limit myself to use computer @ most 1hr 15 mins each day. yes, and next week, i'm working towards 1 hr 10 mins. and so on so froth.it's OLE this week and not looking forward to it, cause we're collecting newspapers. =S sianz. and summore, CCA as per normal. haiz. so sad, friday all my sec 3 juniors go camp, left with few pathetic seniors and juniors. (the sec 3 juniors make up most of the wushu team.) haha. mr lim - VP came in during english for some 'motivating' talk. yar, the key to pass with flying colours is to do ur TYS. yep. and i dont hv to see a great difference btw my PSLE score and O lvls so, i will strive for better and better and BETTER results. :) and do hope all of you too. ok, saturday went for this silly leadership training course. well, the most important thing that i leanrt was, to lead is to serve and not slavary. ^_^ then the activities were the stupid-relay-puzzle-fixing-game, then we had the lame-relay-stations, then lastly we had the solve the situation thing. and it was just, nonsense. but i had quite an (lower degree) enjoyable time, had quite few great laughs and tat's it. then went home, ate, bathed and went to suntec dell to look for moniter. stupid, why of all days, this saturday. made me miss my bai nian tour. i wanna go ruishan and manda's house. ^~^ ok wadeva, shall finish my ouran high sch episode 12 and get going with amaths. do tag okay! bye! |
11 February 2008 @ February 11, 2008
hi. realised my number of times i blog is less often than many of u. BUT, the length of my posts are usually super long. i bet no one can beat me in the length of their posts. (erm, i sound alittle broken here... nvm)i'm watching Ouran High school, it says it's a comedy. okay quite true. it's quite stupid. made me lighten up my boring CNY holidays. :D i've received quite an amount of money this yr. coz my dad gave me BONUS! ^^ 3 digit sia. plus mrs pong oso gave us, EVPS (the one we went to perform during CNY eve), oso gave wushu another $2. :D so happy. now i hv so much $ to spend on class tshirt and birthdays. speaking of class t-shirt, i better put the money in my wallet 1st. ok back! :) well, there's gona b OLE next week. so excited. :D but not as excited as the sec 3 camp. yar, sec 3 camp was better. :D EVERYBODY DANCE NOW! *cheers* haha. w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l memories. hope tat we'll not be going around for recycling activities for those 3 days. Wouldn't it be GREAT to have another aNASing race, for going for exhibitions/excursions as a class or school? *nods eagerly* well, there's nth much to say. oh yar, WAD A SUEI THING. training for class commitee. plus those dunno what rep shits. haiz, what training do they hv for IT reps. -.- stare @ the com? fix the com? set up the com in 1 min's time? wa.... -.- i've always been enjoying my life of IT rep coz the ex IT rep, izzati, is still doing her work, coz the teachers thought/used to having her to be the class IT person, so. yar, havent been doing my job and if it's this saturday. haiz, byebye to CNY tour. X( i WANNA GO CNY TOUR! ok, wadeva. *pats on own's head* gotta go do my lls *lin lao shi* stupid speech. sighs. bye~ |
03 February 2008 @ February 03, 2008
Changed blog song. 你们是我的星光 i think it's sth abt friendship. it's really very nice. listen to it.spared some time from homeworks and did 2 personality tests and serached on my birthday..
March 15 Birthday Astrology A Pisces born on March 15 is a mediator on the intellectual level and a medium on the occult or spiritual level. They are idealistic, often refusing to address others' motives. They cannot comprehend selfish behavior and are put off by negativity. They seem to radiate a spiritual aura. Pisces Information for March 15 You should embrace: Validity, compassion, fate You should avoid: Cynicism, emotional obsession, unreality Friends and Lovers People born on this date are sincere about their friendships. Owing to their sensitivity, trust, and tendency to take things at face value, they experience more than their share of heartbreak. If they experience too much negativity, they stop trusting others. Children and Family The idealism endorsed by most March 15 men and women has its roots in their upbringing, where people are considered to be "all good" or "all bad." This is often carried into adulthood and passed on to their children. This is a mistake, and they usually realize that once their children begin to form their opinions. Health Living a healthy lifestyle is second nature to March 15 people. They can benefit from relieving work-related stress through yoga and meditation, or even brief periods of seclusion and self-enforced silence. Career and Finances Career stress can have a negative influence on the emotional and physical health of March 15 people, but they understand that laughter is the best medicine. They are not usually able to deal with materialistic aims and may feel the need to change gears midlife. Dreams and Goals Successful management of their need for spiritual fulfillment and peace is the goal of many March 15 people. They wish to live a life that's simple and meaningful, honest and productive. They can have a difficult time zeroing in on personal goals. http://people.howstuffworks.com/birthday-astrology.htm i personally feel that they are quite accurate and you all shld try them too.. :) gtg finish ss now.. bye. |
02 February 2008 @ February 02, 2008
i'm feeling down now. lots of hw queuing to meet me. thought today started out to be a great day. going to do project, going to chiong hw, going to eat out with mum n dad etc :) but, to my disappointment... it turned out to be my BEST DAY EVER. history just repeats itself. today is just like tat unfortunate day, when all the suei things clashes together. Today is just isnt my day. and guess what, i didn cry @ all. i'm numb already. too numb...
@ February 02, 2008
hey hey hey hey! i have this sudden -ve feeling towards mr lai. coz of this detention shit. just that i never do hw, and there's a stupid test to prepare and tada~ detention. but but but! thanks to mrs pong and thanks to friday. mr lai was (most probably) realised that he was too stupid to waste his 4 hrs of time on 4 innocent + 1 evil student(later you'll understand why." decides to "let us off".i should consider yesterday as an unfortunate day. i kept seeing mr lai like.. everywhere i go? the best word to describe is 阴魂不散 meaning, he's like a spirit, you cant like, shoo it off or sth. haha... this is the MOST number of times i see mr lai in a day in my whole secondary school life!!! i think i saw him 4 or 5 times yesterday, or even MORE. haiz, plain suei-ness. he actually wanted us to hv detention on wednesday - next day got chem test. and we all were like.. O.O what?! no way. then we disturbed him kept shouting his name, then asking him when, wad time, can change date? can minimise time? why? our lunch leh, we needa eat leh...etc craps. then mr lai got fedup. haha! then he changed his mind and asked us to detent on friday after sch. from 1.30 to 5. wow. super eh... 3 and a half hrs of detention! ('o')! then i went home, thinking abt how ridiculous mr lai was. then the next day... coz i skipped cca, with the excuse of, i wasnt feelin well, i met mrs pong. she was asking me/ reminding me abt the competition selection. which didn really alarmed me, i didn rilli take this selection very seriously.coz, i know that even if my performance wasnt up to satisfactory, my coach would still put my name in @ least 1 category and i will never win the competition. so wad's the pt? ok back to the story. so i told mrs pong that i had detention and told her the who wad when why. and she said she'll ask mr lai to excuse me from detention. woohooo. and boo hoo. no detention but there's wushu. and so yesterday when we were walking back from chem lab back to class, SAW MR LAI. i raced up the stairs and back into my classroom. then benjamin and asyraf were telling us (the detention pple abt the change in 'schedule' he asked us to report @ the general office right after sch ends and hand up our hw. ok, so after school,...@ general office, mrlai came and nag nag, gave us a small lecture then said the MOST RIDICULOUS THING ANY TEACHER (other than ms kelly lim) COULD HAVE SAID...if' i'm not wrong, he said " this is the last time okay... (blablabla)... promise? ok, cross yr heart. C-R-O-S-S!"-.- so nonsense, we had to u know.. use our pointer and draw an imaginary cross on our 'hearts' *slaps forehead* wt. cross your heart. *draws an imaginary cross over left side of chest* so s-t-u-p-i-d. and then, benjamin was even more comical. we r suppose to hand up the undone work today and i dug my file for the stupid hw and aha, left it under my table. so i told mr lai tat i left it in class, and benjamin didn even do the piece of hw and he lied to mr lai tat he oso left it in class! no originality. then wini accompanied me to go back to class, coz she wanted to take her chem ws, while benjamin 'tried' to persude me to lend him my hw to copy. and i said, "nope." sommore, he didn even have his emaths tb with him. i felt like smacking him. it's so FAR OFF THE BEAM! cool another new word. it means 离谱 i think. yup and i left the classroom after taking my hw. then winnie and her chem paper, i grabbed them on my fingers. and tc left her mickey pencil case in c lass, lucky winnie went to save her mickey. lol, winnie the pooh and mickey mouse are all disney characters right? hahaa, ok, i guess no one will understand wad i'm sayin. then went down to w8 for SC meeting to end, so we can eat with tc and meiling. then gave winnie her chem ws, and she realised there's one missing ws, which belonged to yeeling, and i didn know anything. Yeeling, u evil fellow, made us worry for nth. she actually sort of 'caught' the paper that slipped off my fingers when we were walking down the stairs and so, i gave her a simple apology. then when winnie finished her chem ws, we played the boom boom chucky game, but it wasnt fun playing with only 4 pple, coz manda was working on her POA. then we played the numbers game. we were not supposed to say out any numbers which are multiples of 7. we needa use clapping to replace the multiples. then as the numbers get bigger, we find it more difficult to use mental calculation adn decides to use calculator. However, we got bored over the game and played the 谁来接招. my favourite! ^_^ then linked to alot of craps, then finally. DISTRUPTION. mr lai came again. (suei-ness) then he was telling us tat, there no mroe detention u all can go home now. and we were like, giving him a who-are-you-do-i-know-u-look. HAHA. i know i'm evil. muhahaha. then here comes his fren. saying 你知道吗,他们从刚才到现在都一直在拍手。不知道在做什么。lol, lame~ then we went for lunch. 3sa ate the steamboat like soup, and i felt an urge to extinguish the fire below with a carbon dioxide filled breath of mine. haha. after that we were crappin things like, what do think of, personality tests, super powers. haha i wished to have the power to able to left things from far, wad's tat called ah.. i remember seraching for tat particular word on the internet, or was it facebk, wadeva, give me a minute. ah~ it's known as psychokinesis aka telekinesis. :D it's very cool. i can pour a glass of water through the control from my mind. hahaa. plain laziness. then had wushu. raining like.. mad, it's raining dinosaurs and humans. haha. and my sec 1 juniors were playing with umbrella in the rain. playing ball, playing running, playing splashing and water. and better, splash water on senior. -.- ok, lucky i was quick. then wow, so super, how do pple run when it's raining THAT heavily. once u step out of the shelter, you're drenched. and best of all. competition selection was cancelled. *smirk* but there was stupid lecture on compeition stuffs by coach and we did frog jumps and quite a few different types of jumpings. yar. and we had to run 10 rounds around the 1st lvl classroom block. phew~ then my juniors and i played boomb boom chucky! haha. it was fun and we almost get to make a junior do forfeit when wushu was dismissed. awww oh talking abt forfeit. haha.i wanna apologise to kinseng. he smsed me saying that he was emotionally shocked. lol. i shall type out his and my smses. ks:Oi! u got prob izzit, use chris phone call me 4 wad? ur phone spoil ah? or u dun wan alr? dun wan then give me me:Lol.. it's for forfeit. to prank call someone. ks:den y must tt some1 b me?!! zzz u noe my time very precious de not? such call will waste m time n also result me to not being able to ans calls from de teachers who look for me. n also wasted 5 mins in my life n also u caused me to b emotionally shocked n make me not able to concentrate 4 my duty n resulting me to risk de possibility of unstable pa (dunno wad's tat). N also, u force me to ans this crap when i'm damn bz n nvr give me a gd reason y u must prank call me? ks:i'm not very satisfied if u nver give me a reason y u must prank call me n not others me: coz. we know you will check ur hp. and we needa prank call someone we know. ks: zzz i nvr put my phone slient lor, den my phone blast out wheni was @ de briefing 4 sec 3 camp stuff -.- me:LOL ks: not funny! SO hilarious.. emotionally shocked. lol. all i said was.. i've been admiring you for a long time already, your body figure is wonderful... *slience* thanks for your participation. gdbye. LOL. unfortunate kinseng~ haha i'm off to do chem wb and... gdluck to all those that failed amaths test! haha. let's pass this test with flying colours! :D and happy early CNY! ha. Have a 鼠per CNY. *hint hint* |