15 March
Status: Out in the World - venturing & making her way to fulfill bigger dreams
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28 June 2008 @ June 28, 2008
hi peeeeeeeeeeeeepsss.this is a must see thing that i immediately wanna share with you all when i read this. it's a post by some super bored singaporean who imagines what mas selamat may write in his diary... in the comical way... http://blog.dk.sg/2008/06/27/secret-blog-entry-of-mas-selamat/ LOL. enjoy! |
27 June 2008 @ June 27, 2008
hi! haven been visiting here for quite some time already..yeah, i'm back into the quit-playing-computer-games-for-long-hours project again. ya. you know, with the rising electrical prices and the approaching exams, it'll be best if i not use the computer so often. now i restrict myself to using computer once every 3 days and for weekends i can only use @ most 2 & 1/2 hr. how's that sound? well, i've saved quite alot of electricity already okay. as compared to my past, use-the-computer-for-@-least-2-to-3-hours-daily habit, it's a whole lot of sacrifice. and here, i'm saving electrical bills, my bro, (ps: just right next to me now...) using the computer like mad... well, he says he's working HARD on his assignments but. i just dont believe him. *spouting horns* he tries to use my old way of blaffing my mum that i was doing online assignments to blaff us back. yet, my parents do believe him la. coz of his usual good behavior records.. as compared to miss geraldine bai, who's a complete lier @ home.. ^^ haha. anyways.. just found out how careless i was.. to leave my chem tb in 4r1 and forget to ask chris to help me bring it back to class. i was rushing to grab lunch, soooo i guess, hunger overwhelmed me and i completly could not care for more. had to replenish my energy lah! hehe, thx kok nam! he came to my bus stop to tell, or maybe just drop by, to tell me that i left my chem tb on his table.. yar. AND NVA TOLD ME THAT THERE WAS A SPECTACLE BOX TOO! but, it's okay, i know he didn know that that box belonged to christine or know tat tat didn belong to me.. lol. it was later that christine told me she left her spectacle box in 4r1 too. ha, so i'm not the only forgetful one here! and serve her right, for deleting ah-bis-sek's(owner of table she was siting on during MT) number, and so, she smsed gaoyang and ask him to help her take her spectacle box. yar.all these happened today. let's talk abt yesterday. yesterday, lin lao shi got some urgent meeting or wadsoeva, so she just left us with work and left. so i quickly scribbled through my work and asked if meiling, baoyi and chris wanna go for lunch. chris was taking her time doing the assignment, baoyi and meiling not much reaction, so i went off on my own... (backgrd voice: loner bai...) OK FINE! then i walked out of sch, not feeling very lonely or depressed that i was alone, and i was going to eat alone... and found myself walking just right behind teckli and ren wei. i was rather shocked to see them, but later convinced myself that their tcher maybe having to attend the same meeting as lin lao shi went for.. i was superbly close to them. i was damn hungry so i attempted to over take them but they were fast walker too. -.- i was only 2 or 3 steps away from them... on the way to tmart i felt that i was like a stalker.. or even part of 'their team' , a trailer, fellower or sth.. kept slowing my pace every now and then... not wanting to be seemed as if i was walking with them.. blablabla.. went for ban mian when i finally reached tmart kopitiam. :D "AT LAST." my tummy cried out... haha, or in fact i said it in my mind... to my surpirse to see winnie, serene, yeeling and amanda just walking into the foodcourt. :) i was not going to eat alone afterall. dont hv to seat @ the LONER TABLES and let pple pity me etc.. haha. "why you pangseh yourself?!" i think it was amanda or yeeling who asked me this question. well, for my tummy lor~ :D duh, do you want to die of hunger? haha. ok, so that's abt it.. satisfied right?! :D GOOD! have a nice weekend.. and if you arent going for the sunday ngee ann tapestry III... then... i shall give you a very very high, as high as the taipei 101's height's HIgh-5. coz i'm not going either. well, it's obvious, geraldine is anti-social and is lazy to go out and doesnt like to go home late @ night. ok.. bye!! LOL |
21 June 2008 @ June 21, 2008
YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA pple! hi! how do you do?! i'm NOT fine thankyou!I CANT BELIEVE MY HOLIDAYS ARE COMING TO AN END! no way! when i see my juniors blog or comment on friendsters etc. abt they enjoying their holidays or they find their holidays boring.. i have this sudden blast of burning fire inside. and i just feel like becoming emo.. drawing circles in a corner.. haha. i just realised that i've not cherished my pri school and secondary school holidays... :( @ the thought of when i get to work.. i dont even get holidays.. i hv to apply for them.. sob sob~ being a kid much better. i wonder how i lived my life when i when 3.. no sch, everyday @ home.. well. :) it's okay. look @ the bright side.. the right side.. i learnt more things. i learnt more chim words... i learnt more abt how nature works...etc etc. :) i'm satisfied.. (eh, a little no link! haha idc~) oh ya..pple! omg. i just remembered! remember to chemistry wb! DANG! haha bye!!!!!! |
13 June 2008 @ June 13, 2008
hey hey hey! new blogsking new blogskin! cool?!leave your tags.. thx haven been hearing ffrom you all for quite some time already... sry winnie baoyi and yeeling, for not replying ur invitation. well, i just switched my hp on this morning and realised your invited me to join u all @ the zoo for some studying and stuffs like that.. but i was alittle too late.. you already went yesterday.. haha.. ok. i'm left with 1 emaths paper.. the A-Z one and chinese compo. oh and ofcoz... geog test to revise.. geog test is postponed till tuesday. yeh. no difference. cant possibly study much on monday after sch.. so folks, let's mug! |
07 June 2008 @ June 07, 2008
changed my blog song. it's avril lavigene's Nobody's Homeit's emo, but it's nice! went for speedlight sports day 2008. it's quite fun. ya. too little games to play. and didnt get to watch the dodge ball match. so i felt alittle unstatisfied lah. got 2 whole boxes of corn flakes. urgh! ok... erm. i wanna say sth quite biased: i guess the game would be even better if my team mates were my all-time play friends...yar. coz, i'm considered an outsider within the team lah. but i know i tried my best to mingle around already. :) got my new specs today! still havin the new specs = weird weird surroundings syndrome.. well, hope i'll get over it by tmr. here a picture of my new specs. it's red, but it's quite cool~ will show u the picture tmr! X) now let's do alittle quiz.... From A-Z: Test 1 abt how random are you A = ambition: DJ B = birthday: 15 march C = Cat's name: Gay Kitty. :D D = dog's name: Leslie E = essential item, 24/7 by ur side: specs F = favorite song(currently): Better in Time G = games you're into: http://www.a123.com/games/1641/Bomb_It H = home: sweet home tampines I = instrument you play: i makes music with my mouth...*yabble yabble* J = jam: i hate jams. traffic jams and jams spread K = knight: in dusky amour L = love: all of u! M = monkey : monkey see monkey do N = nonsensical: SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS O = open: open-minded? open close open open close open close open open! P = presents: love them! Q = questions : why the hell am i doing this? R = regrets: cant remember them... S = status: boredom T = time you woke up today: 9+ U = umbrella: necessary! V = vegetable: DELICIOUS except for celery and tat parsely is that what you call them? W = worst habit: laziness X = x-factor: say no to celery! and drug abuse ofcoz. and natural/manmade disasters as well.. and and... Y = yummy: yummy chocolates! Z = zodiac sign: pisces. monk-key. (recalls kunfu panda's trailer..: tigress, crane, mantis, monkey, viper, panda...) haha. please repost this in ur blog and share it with everyone! the alphabets are a must.. the rest you can vary it own your own.. remember the theme is randomness... here how you do it.. 1st you write A= (your own word starting with letter A) followed by what reminds you of... get it?! it's darn simple right! ^_^ Lyrics of Nobody's Home But I couldn't tell you Why she felt that way She felt it everyday And I couldn't help her I just watched her make The same mistakes again What's wrong, what's wrong now Too many, too many problems Don't know where she belongs Where she belongs [chorus:] She wants to go home but nobody's home That's where she lies broken inside Was no place to go, no place to go To dry her eyes broken inside Open your eyes (open your eyes) And look outside Find the reasons why (why) You've been rejected (you've been rejected) And now you can't find What you left behind Be strong, be strong now Too many too many problems Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs [chorus:] Her feeling she hides Her dream she can't find She's losing her mind She's fallen behind She can't find her place She's losing her faith She's fallen from grace She's all over the place (place) Yeah (yeah) [chorus:] |
04 June 2008 @ June 04, 2008
hi peeps. haha. how's ur holiday? how's ur homework? well, everything's has been going on normal for me. mum came back.. all i do is hw in a slack slack pace. well, i'm still in serach of the new skin.. yar. but i'll do with this skin for a while before i find the skin...yar, i've been read fairytail. it's a manga, nice, it's like One piece! :) but dont worry, i'll properly allocate time for studies and computer time. yar.. yar, erm.. feel like watching KungFu panda.. sounds interesting.. show u the advertisement. so cute and funny... http://www.kungfupanda.com/ watch the trailer! panda! i said panda.. "i'm coming! ergh..." "what you gona do? sit on me?" "dont tempt me..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RR4TIYEAmIk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xSVYmYFLCI&feature=related another versions of the movie are as interesting too well, look @ THIS KUNGFU PANDA... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7ZfQBYAE6s&feature=related and this kungfu baby! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxAirY-5QCQ&feature=related very CUTE LAH.. enjoy and please share abt ur holidays! |
01 June 2008 @ June 01, 2008
LOOkin for new blogskin till further notice..