15 March
Status: Out in the World - venturing & making her way to fulfill bigger dreams
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31 March 2009 @ March 31, 2009
CONGRATULATIONS TO THOSE IN 09S417 WHO FOUND MY BLOG. hooray applause...try dont link me leh, i wan play hide-and-seek hiakhiakhiak :D Geraldine's really very busy now, yesterday, the day before, tmr, the day after, blablabla, she's just utterly busy with sch work and cca, so dont be disappointed when u see that she has not updated her blog okay?! :D hehe. promise will update as soon as possible, but not possibly this week, yar. sry bloggie, for neglecting you, *pats on the computer screen* okay, she's being lame again.. haha ADVERTISEMENT: MJC students only April 9 in sch hall, 9.30pm-7am next day Movie MARATHON sneak preview of what movies we're playing: 画皮 保持通话 叶问 神探 海角7号 please come as, I'm the host! haha, ofcoz you dont have to come for the sake of YOUR FRIEND (ME LAH DUH), if u r really interested and free on those times please feel free to come and join us, bring your sleeping bag etc, the hall is FREE to sleep around!!! :D okay geraldine bai has gotta do her work now.. that's all for today @ the moment. tata |
20 March 2009 @ March 20, 2009
(harlow..., can you heard me???) duhhhh, coz u're READING, not hearing... hahaYou'll definitely be unable to understand what i'm saying right now if u were talking face to face with me. Hooray, for I LOST MY VOICE!!! =_= it's quite bad already @ the start of afternoon, and it all worsened when it neared the night. and so, i decided to go see my family doctor .. AGAIN. sigh, it's my 3rd time this year getting flu. yes, it's only march here, and this IS my 3rd time getting flu. and this is my 4th time seeing the doctor. one of it was during my JC orientation.. i had my gastric thing.. yar. I really shld take care of myself. Have been wasting too much money on medicine and doctors... let me tell u a little secret. one the reason why my parents dont really allow me to go out with my friends for the whole day thing, etc... is that i get sick very easily. I'm vulnerable to diseases/ "long-period tiredness" when i'm out of the house for the whole day. yar. That is why, whenever i ask my parents if i could go out with my friends for the whole day, they'll be VERY worried about me. And I'll be very stressed whenever i go out... so i'll hv this kinda depressed feeling tingling inside me... and when i DO FEEL SICK. i will just show this depression by staring blankly and sadly into space, thinking of how my parents are gona react blablabla. okay, moral of the story, from the previous paragraph, DRINK TONS OF WATER. the 2nd paragraph tells us that, geraldine is as fragile as a piece of glassware... har.. har.. (okay, i sound like a donkey, coz of MY VOICEEEEEE!!!!) okay, i think i'm pretty done with my holiday hw... just that i hv PILES OF MATHS TUTORIAL UN FINISHED. :P okay, i guess i gotta rephrase my previous sentence, " i think i'm pretty UN done with the hws.." yesterday, i thought that it was rather chaotic. especially in the canteen. I dont like the crowd and i dont like the booming musics... and that is another reason why i dont like shopping. I never know which direction to head to when i 'm part of the crowd. I would feel like i'm so distanced away from everyone. I dont know why lah. On the other hand, i dont mind standing @ somewhere far from everyone and watch them walk around. That is why, i'm not that stage fright anymore. It doesn't mean that i like the stage or being in the limelight okay. I'm just fine if i have to be under the limelight or talking to a group of ppl. But given my voice ah... my clique would know. Geraldine doesn't have the ability to project her voice for an extended period of time, so if she does... she'll end up like what she is NOW. MUTE. (pats her own head... self-console) And so, i'm not fit to be a teacher, trainer, coach, or whichever jobs that requires the employee to project his voice and talk about things blablabla... So... BEING A RADIO DJ IS THE BEST. hahahaha :P i'm so glad that my clique came up with a surprise for me, winnie and serene. :) Thx :):) they delivered our cakes separately.. which gave the 3 of us quite a shock. lol.. and guess what, it's MANGO FRUITCAKE AGAIN.. haha, my dad bought exact same cake on my birthday which was like.. 5 days ago... lol, and i hate fruitcakes. But, overall, it's still a nice gift to receive from your friends... @ least 9 of them chipped into the cake am i right? yarlor. 3 cakes leh.. @ least 3 ppl pay for one cake. very expensive leh. i'm glad to have friends like u all.. ^_^ and THANKS TO THE CA-LE-FE! (how-ever u spell that..) those R1 guys.. lol. so hilarious. for singing the birthday songs and helping us eat the cake. ^_^ haha and ruishan, for repeating the classical happy birthday song... haha, which made me want to smack myself on the forehead hard. ruishan and her classical music.. haha. I wasn't implying anything okay!~ :P okay, so yesterday (once again). I tot i lost my performance clothes.. u know, those shiny silky clothes wushu pple wear.. yar. It was on the table full of balloons. yar. phew, i love the set of clothes okay, it's has all my preparations of hard work that i put into my competitions and performances.. haha. and now it's gona have those of my junior's. yar, i lend her my set of performance clothes. coz she going for the grp category, and grp category needa have everyone dressed in the same colour of performance clothes mah. AND ngee ann wants that kind of blue colour clothes, which by chance, i have. so, the DEAR AND KIND SENIOR LENDS OUT HER OWN PERFORMANCE CLOTHES... awww okay, then the thing abt mr wong KaTie, he went to 2 consecutive classes to "help out". and by chance we (fattah, terry, cherng jye, one of the scouts boys i dunno what's his name is, chandan, asyraf, andrew and myself.) were going around to advertise the Project Winnie thingy. he went around giving inspirational talks... yar. one of the classes gave us tremendous support after his speech, so yar. he even joked abt accompanying us walking around the sch from class to class. and i gave a 苦笑 a faked smile.. Inside, i was thinking, no way man! lol. and the BEST thing of all.. HE REMEMBER MY NAME! my surname.. Bai. O.O!!! and he knows i remembers me from wushu... even more OMG. what a wonderful memory u have there, Sir. wow, an eventful day. and i think my bro's piggy bank has played a LARGE part in this event. hundreds of fingers and been in contact with it. X) the actual clean and shiny metal piggy bank has now become slightly old and less shiny. uhoh, sry gor gor... *looks @ brother with pitiful eyes and get rejected by the brother* nvm... There were tons of orders for the accessories. I wonder if they could manage it, i wished i could have helped more, but my mum say, u wanna go out some more. go lah, later the movie marathon hosting thing u no need go le.. *deng deng, drama, lightning* Opportunity Benefit < Opportunity Cost. okay. :( anyways, I changed my blog song, Lucky by Jason Mraz and Collbie Cailat. Thanks cheryl f for the bread.. my dad was shocked when i showed him that breadou thing. lol. I think it smelled like ROTIBOY! haha. and serene for the postcard and winnie for the hair bands. must be expensive hor. :) and WINNIE KHOO, SPELLED CLIQUE AS CLICHE! lol! Our very 1st cliche...winnie ah winnie.. lol By the Way, how was the fund raising for Winnie doing for the last 3 hours? Did we hit the 5k target?! :D:D:D I helped out alot worh..the harshbrowns, curry fishballs, donations... though there were free times when i did some of my hw. :P okay, i'm going to chiong my maths now...byee!!! |
15 March 2009 @ March 15, 2009
hello hello hello! everyone. IT'S MY BRITHDAY TODAY! YEEPIE YEEPIE YEAH YEAH!hahah... well, last night, i got treated by my friends, xinyi and shu wen @ swensens with other 10 of my classmates. so nice of them, to take time out to celebrate my bday. :) had a plate of spagghetti, and regular earthquake icecream. haha. i dunno exactly i feel. kinda like, touched, excited, bored. yeah. it's like, i'm not very close to them and yet they are here u know that kind of feeling. yar. haha saw the other sides of my classmates, the way they dress etc. yar. some ppl actually look very pai kia in sch, dressed very nice etc. I got quite alot of presents.. haha. i got a happy birthday balloon, hair clips, a sunflower (YEAH!) and a LARGE STUFFED TOY, it's a doggie, with scary eyes. yes, very scary eyes. big and round and.. dead. ofcoz it's dead, silly me.. haha actually, i didn't really expected to receive such a stuffed toy, so i XXXX .hahaha, i cant tell you this part! only xinyi, knows. okay she's not she's the man okay, she's another xinyi. much nicer THAN HER.. just in case this leaks out and passes on to the ppl who gave me this gift. and i'll be uhoh.. haha. shhhhhhh... okay. i wanna say i big THANKYOU to my dear friends and classmates. it's a once in a lifetime experience, okay maybe it's becoz i'm a 宅女, so i hardly go out and celebrate ppl's bday all sort of stuffs etc, so i think it's a unqiue experience for me. okay okay, when did my english become sooooo broken! tsk tsk, gotta polish up my language... okay... ASYRAF WHY NOW THEN U EMAIL ME THE PLAN... what if ruishan kills us!!!! *DENG DENG...* okay i'm gettin more drama by each day.. or am i already that lame, just that i just realised it today.. nvmmmmm HAPPY BIRTHDAY GERALDINE XP oh yar oh yar.. introduce a nice song to all of u.. kelly clarkson, My life would suck without you. i'll dedicate this song to all my dear FRIENDS! :D and u dear reader.. haha |
12 March 2009 @ March 12, 2009
hallo all, it's been a long time since i last updated about my life. well, the perfect word to describe my current school life in MJC is BUSY.I have gp proj, HCA (cip that i have joined, catering old pple), my own chinese drama stuffs, tests, birthdays blah. I'm quite glad that my form tcher complimented me on my oral presentations, :) she said it was good, hahah. and it sounded just like music to my ear when she said that my other grp members needed to improve on their presentation skills :P haha, not lah. it's because i had to privilege to learn oral presentation skills in ngee ann mah, yar. and yar, i'm a natural presenter!! HAHAH .LOL, right, geradine, getting alittle overjoyed because of this small little issue. XP okay, so my efforts for GP has paid off. :) i do look forward to Proj work. but rather more anxious than excited. i'm just afraid to be grouped with the classmates that i'm unfamiliar or those that i listed them into my 'unfavourable nominees' haha. yar, if i get those ppl in my PW grp, i'll be darn HARSH to them, order them do these do that. uhhuh. that's how yer get thhhhhings goin' matey... okay, march holidays ain't that relaxing anymore, TONS AND TONS OF E-LEARINGS, hw, catching ups and notes to be made. i guess it'll be a short week for me. :S my nice new friends are planning to celebrate my bday for me on saturday night @ changi t2 swensens. :) i suggested them to pay for my meal that day. haha. and the organiser (dorothy) said, okay. sooo, yaar. nice ppl. :):) i'm looking forward to PROwinnie! i cant w8 to test out my radio DJ skills. hhaa... i think i wanna take the lunch or night shift for the upper sec. yar, i wanna SABO MY JUNIORS...muhahaha X) oh yar, and my bday presents from tg too :) happy belated to theresa and HAPPY EARLY YO CHERYL F. speaking of bdays, there's this girl from my class who has the same bday as chewchew. MY CONCLUSION, PPL BORN ON THE SAME DAY ARE OF DIFFERENT CHARACTERS, NOT A SINGLE SIMILARITY. This lady from my class, she isn't such a desirable person i tot ppl who were born on 11mar would be, yar. :( alright, photos for theresa's surprise bday will be up soon. so stay tuned... :) oh yar oh yar MJC ppl! i may be the host for our sch's moive marathon, so WATCH OUT OKAY!!! ^_^ i'm glad to be able to see my dearest gang of friends, i miss u all loads. okay okay, dont be jealous, my dear readers, u |
03 March 2009 @ March 03, 2009
hi!! it's march the 3rd.. :)the holidays are nearing but i ain't that happy, coz there's still tons of work for me to attend to: Maths tutorial 4 Chem redox tutorial Maths e-learning blablabla yar. i'm sick, once again. flu bug caught me. so, whenever i swallow my saliva or food, my throat HURTS LIKE !@#$%^&*, though i may look alright on the surface. deep now, i'm cursing... lol. not that serious lah, just, pain and i feel like there's a ball of something in my throat. yar, i dont know why. and my nose have occasional practices for her NAPFA. in other word, it's running! haha okay okay... lame geraldine. ^_^ yeah. so far in my class, i haven really shown my lame side YET. yar, it takes time... for one to know another inside out. *gasp* this reminds me of that particular line in I'm Not Stupid 1, 把它的地摸得清清楚楚. lol! this morning, helped theresa, who is helping baoyi, who is helping PROJECT WINNIE, to collect capital from ngee ann ppl from mjc. CAPITAL.. chim siah.. lol. $10. and this caused mr vong cherng jye to keep saying that, "wl eh, you all loan shark siah." i met him 3 times today, and so, he told me that THREE times. yar. this is for charity, and for winnie! how could u say that!!! lol. zhihan was like asking me abt this collection of money thing, then she commented that we were nice ppl :):) yeah~ haha i actually miss all the sarcasim that you guys used to say to me...omg, i sound like i'm Masochistic. WEIRD. no one in this class actually comes and shoot me. :) coz i'm still a quiet and mugger girl girl... 8( alright, i gotta get going now, it's dinner time! time now: 6pm! :D:D:D:D:D BYE |