15 March
Status: Out in the World - venturing & making her way to fulfill bigger dreams
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26 April 2009 @ April 26, 2009
Today's post is just gona be random. random. random. HIIIIIIII. i just collected my O lvl cert on friday. MY TESIMONIAL IS JUST TOO SHORT. i'm alittle disappointed. :S How do you feel when someone who promised to do work with you on a saturday didn attempt to contact you, reply ur sms, till 9.30pm. when you smsed that person @ 10am in the morning? I believe that I am anti-social. to a HUGE EXTENT. i wonder if my existance in class or cca actually makes a difference. i start to wonder if my existance in ngee ann was important... Sometimes i wonder, why do people say hi to one another, esp to those who we are not close to. why do people bother about letting another person know that "I saw you." I am wondering if anyone has ever liked me. my family, my friends, do they really like who i am, for i can be cold and harsh @ timessssss, many times. Imagine that one day you woke up and realise that you lost contact with all your friends and family. Will you make an attempt to look for them. What if one day, you overheard someone whom you know, but not close to, is speaking bad about you, misunderstanding you, how would you react? How would you face that person the next time you see him or her? alright, i'm being emotional right now, i dont know why. feel like being alone, walking along a empty beach, listening to some music. bye.
17 April 2009 @ April 17, 2009
hihihi. it's been a hectic week. and another hectic JC life is coming up just after 2 days of rest.have been bz with the movie marathon for last week, then now SYF. OH MY~ (no, i didn see itchy scratchy) missed my juniors' group competition.. was actually 'swearing' (swearing is bad, please do not do this @ home! hey, i'm @ home typing this! haha) Swearing to myself that i will go and see my juniors, but due to this damn Chinese Drama, i was held back by work and piling hw. nvm, next yr. i still can see them in competitions. :D hopefully D: alright. congrats to adarrel, 4th to find my blog. one clap. hahaha. :P okay... erm, since u found it then tag lah... okay, shall be going off for cca sooon. i hope that we get GOLD, so i can, u know. show off a little bit XD, though i'm not the one acting. hahahahaha~ shld i try out a acting role next yr?? SPCA as CIP proj sounds cool. i wonder when will i need to go for my HCA, again, to see the old pple. hmmmm.... okay, sch is making me feel tat JC is more and more no life. though, i hv been leading a "no-life" life, since i'm 宅女 aka girl who always stays @ home. :D, okay i know i shldnt be proud of this. haha, but it makes me feel unique.. ahh~ *smiling with twinkling teeth* PI is sucking out more of my free time during the weekdays. i'm superbly fed up with the word limit. 520 words. THAT'S WAYYYYYYY TOO LITTLE. my PI is already been cut till it's so summarised that i hardly understand what i'm saying. and the word count says it's 800+, then u minus off the estimated 100 words of the instructions and headings, *sigh* WHY IS IT STILL 700+ i have to reach the 520. but due to time constraints. i decided to give up and leave the problem to my teacher. who happens to be my CT and also my GP teacher. okay. i wonder how she'll react when she sees my broken sentences... "Geraldine~, you gotta work on your sentence structure ah, and your language is very weak, gotta work on that too..." That was what she told me when i received my very 1st essay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOOKING FORWARD TO TG OUTING!!!! :D:D:D AND 8TH OF MAY, I'LL BE FREEEEEEE~~~~~ YESSSS shall work hard for my Midyrs after the SYF, since i have a feeling tat i'm gona get U for all my chem lecture tests...:P i must @ least get a E. As I have told shuwen and few of my other classmates.. If i got an "S" for the thursday chem test, i shall open a bottle of champagne to celebrate my V-I-C-T-O-R-Y~ LOL. i simply had little time to study. I pity the band and CO, they're practising soooo much more than us. poor things. anyways, let's all pray that we get GOLD! okay? okay! hehehee okie dokie. how now brow cow? YAY~ I'm so happy *scracth scratch* these are some Pet phrase (口头禅) and actions that MJ's teachers do. lol... wonder if u find them familiar. if yes, then it means that we have the same ST. -.- SUEI~! hahaha. ESPECIALLY BAOYI. i feel sad for her, having itchy scratchy as her CT. poor girl... every hear the YAY~ hahaha okokokok.. i gtg now CCA TIME!!!!! oh dear oh dear. |
10 April 2009 @ April 10, 2009
HHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIi'm soooooooooo tired lah, that movie marathon. humph so how was the movie and my hosting? haha. i know i feel that i'm quite lame. yar. okay nvm about that. i've been soooo busy with SYF and movie marathon. FINALLY, one big budren is gone and i'm looking forward to 8th may! :D the day SYF ends for Chinese Cultural Drama Society (CCDS). i didn know that that was actually what my cca was named. haha i always said that it was chinese drama. society sounds weird. nvm, i'm gona chiong the hw and REDOX AND GASES TEST NEXT WEEK~ will post some INTERESTING stuffs tmr or on sunday. cya~ |
04 April 2009 @ April 04, 2009
Competitions have started. aesthetics, sports. I wonder how are my juniors doing for the wushu competition, and my fellow used-to-be comrade. the 6 of us, alison, clifford, chiachang, jerome, she-the-man, and myself. I think only clifford's still in wushu ba... yar, let's ask him now...okay so chiachang's in guitar and jerome's in... ODAC?! gosh. the extremely fair skinned jerome's gona be tanned.. hhaaa, cant imagine how he'll look. lol.okay, well, SYF for chinese drama is on the 8th of May and haiz... every single week from now on is all practises and practisies.. and me, the innocent costume cum makeup member (fine, it's not only me, and everyonelse too) has gotta go through the same set of vigorous as the actors do. awww man... nvm, on monday i can have a chance to learn doing makeups for the actors and muhahaha i'm sooo gona destory them....... alrighty, will blog again soon, i gona have lunch now. IT'S FEEDING TIME! |