13 March 2011 @ March 13, 2011
okokok.. i sort of finally thought of what i want for my bday.
1) a simple long necklace that's really light and not very dangly and size of about half a palm size. Like having pendants that are feathers, or some flat metal/plastic pendants with shape of a star/bear/the letter 'G'/crown. It can be of any colour. silver, black, gold, pink, blue, green, red, anything. no human like features, like face or anything, cos i think it's scary.
Something like the pictures below...

I dont want those alphabet sets where u can go home and mix and form any words u like at home, selling at minibits. nonono.
2) treat me to a weekday/weekend movie + free snacks/popcorn during movie :P
3) medium to small sized box containing a puzzle that's like more than 200 piece :D, cos i wanna make sure it can fit in my small cabinet and keep piecing and un-piece as and when i'm in a puzzle mood. I dont know how ex it is.. but if it's more than 25 bucks then forget it. Buy me a puzzle that's around 20 bucks.
Picture, either famous animes :P like TOTORO,One Piece, Bleach (main characters), ouran high school host club, d grayman, katekyo hitman reborn, vampire knight, or sceneries featuring meadows :D, or disney characters (no looney tunes, cos the graphics not nice). :]

YAY! I'm done!!! wo hooo~